Seeing is Deceiving - A proposal

Throughout the 10 week course, I'm planning to create small artworks related to the final project Seeing is Deceiving. The idea of the project is to portrait the dark side of social media: how social media can distort one's perception about reality and how toxic social media can be.

Currently, I have two pieces to add to this project based on artworks I created during September to November 2018 (in Printmaking class). Here are the two artworks:

Slurp (2018)
Digital processed and Silkscreen printing

Seattle 2.0 (2018)
Film photography and Digital processed

Some idea for upcoming artworks:
  • How I edit my Instagram selfies - a tutorial
  • The apocalypse 
  • An Instagram-worthy booth/3D model 
  • (the idea of) making sense out of nonsense


  1. I am intrigued by your project. I am interested in the digital work that you do and think that the Instagram selfies idea would especially be interesting due to your skills. That concept combined with your Instagram-worthy booth/3D model could make for some really interesting commentary on our modern day obsession with social media and superficial connections/appearances.


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