Lecture reflection #2 - Pulped Under Pressure

Pulped Under Pressure is a hand-making paper art exhibition of a group of 7 artists: Jillian Bruschera, Julia Goodman, Reni Gower, Trisha Oralie Martin, Melissa Potter, Maggie Puckett and Marilyn Propp. The artworks and the talk about the process of making hand-made paper, I really want to get a hands-on experience on this medium.

The artworks that caught my attention were the artworks of Reni Gower and Trisha Oralie. They are both focus on geometric patterns, but on different medium: Reni Gower works on hand-cut paper, whereas Trisha Oralie Martin works on block prints. Gower’s artworks amazed me by the beautifully meticulous cut she made on paper because her geometric patterns are full of details yet the lines are very sharp and precise. On the other hand, Martin’s artworks focus on cross-cultured geometric patterns that reflect Filipino cultures. Then she put many small pieces together to make a large piece.

Trisha Oralie Martin's artwork
*Her artworks truly inspired me to the point that I stalked her instagram*


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